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How to integrate Google Calendar

Installation Steps

** Please make sure only one google account is signed in. So signout of all google accounts except one in which you want to install the addon or do the complete procedure in an incognito window. **

Step 1:
Go to the integrations page in your Intervue profile.
Step 2:
Click on Google Calendar card, it will open Google Calendar integrations page.
Step 3:
On Google Calendar integrations page, click on the button Go to Calendar addon.
Step 4:
Click the install button and provide the addon permissions to access Google services.
Step 5:
The addon will be installed, and the icon can be found in the sidebar.
Step 6:
Click the icon and click the sign-in button.
Congrats! You have integrated Intervue with Google Calendar. You are ready to schedule an interview from the calendar itself.

How to schedule an interview

Step 7:
Click Create or click a time slot on the calendar for your meeting.
Step 8:
Select Intervue from the video conferencing dropdown.
Step 9:
Drop in the resume in the attachments(PDF) and it will be visible during the interview in resume tab (file size should be less than 1mb).

Google calendar + Intervue =

  • Schedule interviews powered by Intervue from Google Calendar itself
  • Upload resume in attachments and it will be visible in the resume tab during the interview
  • Any changes in the calendar event will be automatically synced in background